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adventures of Manni the wonderdog

Making lasting impressions and having fun at every opportunity

So, according to Manni this is THE best season by far. I don’t agree at all. I hate the cold, I live for sunshine and warmth. However, one of my goals in this awful journey was for Manni to see snow once more. And finally we got some. Not much, mind you, but enough for him to roll in. He never does that, unless it’s cold and snowy.

One happy camper I have now! πŸ™‚ He is actually full of energy now, which I put down to the cold temperatures (it doesn’t necessarily work this way for me I might add…).


So I try to make the most fun times for both of us at every opportunity. Since it still gets dark waaaaay too early some of this we have to do at home:

It is so good to see him play again. There were times I wasn’t sure I would see this again.

And lastly: I found that this whole journey, the last 13 months, left a pretty deep impression with me and I wanted to do it justice. so I got this and I am really proud:

(it’s 3 paw prints, the picture doesn’t do it justice)

So, no matter what happens: Manni will always stay with me.


  1. megstamum

    Gosh, he is SUCH a handsome dog. So good to see him having fun in the snow. I’m on your side Manni. I love the snow too. You enjoy it! The paw prints are lovely. So good to know that you’ll always have him with you.

    Lots of love,

    Meg, Clare and Elsie Pie xxx

    PS I can’t see the videos πŸ™ It may just be me but I’ve tried on both my phone and my computer. Did you upload them to YouTube? If so, you just need to paste the page address in a line on its own. I WANT TO SEE MANNI PLAYING!!!!

    • tinsch

      hm, I don’t know why you can’t see them. I can on my desktop computer. I uploaded them in the media library. any tips??

      • tinsch

        actually: what browser do you use? I use Mozilla Firefox and the videos work. so maybe it’s that?

  2. megstamum

    Ah fantastic! Yes, I can see them in Firefox. Didn’t think of trying a different browser. Awwwww Manni! It makes him feel really close to see him moving around and eating the snow. He’s such a happy dog <3

    • tinsch


  3. royalbones

    I cried a little bit after reading this to be honest. Your sweet fur baby has the same amputation as our baby boy Royal. His stitches come out Thursday (his surgery was 1/5 of this year) and we are so excited to see our baby play in the snow again (we’re in MN) Look at how happy your cute boy is!
    I absolutely LOVE your tattoo idea, would you mind if I used this myself in the future? We started our journey in November when Royal broke his leg but this entire experience has changed my fiancΓ©e and I for the better. He helped my fiancΓ©e propose to me in October, the month before he broke his leg. It would be a great way to have a part of him with me forever. What a clever idea!

    • tinsch

      If you’re from MN I’m sure Royal gets a lot more snow to play in than Manni. I lived in MI for a while, so I know what I’m talking about πŸ™‚
      You can, of course, absolutely use my tattoo idea! It’s not like I have a copyright. I’m glad you like it!! It’s just subtle enough so not everybody sees it so it works in the workplace, too.
      oh and the crying: I cry a little pretty much every time I get on this site. sniffeling at the office: classy…

  4. benny55

    Seeing Man I sooooo bappy makes mesoooooo happy!!! Manni sure is showing you he has no intention of going anywhere anytime soo !!! He has too many snows to roll in and too many toys to play with and too many tummy rubs and too much spoiling to get!!! πŸ™‚ He’s having a blast!!!

    Manni just melts my heart! πŸ™‚ He’s got so much personality and he’s such a sweet boy! πŸ™‚

    Loooooove the tattoo!!! Love the size, the placement, the color….everything about it is just perfect! It’s exquisitely understated, yet soooo powerful!

    Thanks for this great update and fun pics and videos today!


    Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

    • tinsch

      Thanks Sally!!
      I love your comments! You must be the most positive person out there! Can I have me some of that?? πŸ™‚

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