As you can see: wonderdog is doing better again. While I was worried about him the last two weeks he is now finally back to his boisterous self. We were at the vet’s on Friday and they said we should have x-rays taken, just in case, uhm, as you know, time is against you, uhm, maybe the stomach issues are just symptoms of, you know, lung…. What? er, ok I guess. *sweating* But! clear x-rays! again!! (and the next x-ray appointment in 3 instead of 6 months. “you know, time is aga…” “yes I know! I don’t need you to tell me that, just give me the appointment”.
Then, of course, followed another weekend, more excitement.
Saturday morning was enchanted-forest time again. A beach is fun but nothing beats a good run in the forest, says the silly dog. The boys had some fun:
So after playtime on Saturday morning, guess what happened at night:

you have a WHAT for me??

I love me a pig!

Can I, you know? Kill it?

So that was our Saturday. Oh, hang on, we also had the UPS-guy there with a huge package that we had been waiting for. We used to be pretty active and would take day-trips with Manni or he would run next to our bikes. Of course since being a tripawd things have kind of slowed down for him and biking was out of the question while we had a foldable cart for him for the bigger trips. That worked ok but we always had to lift Manni in and it was not all that comfy for him. And now, we have a new buggy!! I was really excited because that one has a drawbar for the bikes and a stroller function. So, you know, what do you do when you have new gadgets? Right! You have to try them!
I was a little anxious if Manni would actually go in that thing since he’d never seen anything like that before, it moves, and so on. I needn’t have worried of course. After hopping next to it for all of 10 minutes he hopped into it without any coaxing. just like that. That in my mind is SO clever. I mean, for the dog to go: Ok, they got me this new thing for when I get tired, oh, I’ll just hop in. That’s amazing! Probably the harder thing now will be for us to tell him that this in no way excuses him from exercise!! 🙂

Comfy, this!

Hey! I can see you!
So, you can see: off to new adventures we go in the weeks to come!! Can’t wait! (Ok, it’s a liiiiittle cold for me to be biking just yet, but that will come, too)
I hope you all had a good weekend, too!
Tina and, of course, Manni
I am so excited for you and Manni! Clear x-rays – woo hoo! And such a wonderful weekend you had together!
Thank you!! I am really happy, obviously. They had me going there for a second because I wasn’t really expecting to be taking x-rays but hey! All is good again! Phew!
I have been meaning to say thank you for the tip with the empty stomach! Manni has been getting an extra portion of food late at night and the tummy-issues have been getting a LOT better!! Thanks!!
Seeing these delightful videos of you and “your boy” romping around in the woods lights up my world!! I do believe your human boy had a hard time keeping up with you! He just couldn’t keep up! And he was trying to get that stick from you, but were just to quick!
And you had CLEAR XRAYS too!!! YAAAAAAAAAY FOR MANNI!! 🙂 I hope you got to celebrate with cake and ice cream!!
Hearing how you have fallen in love with your Royal Carriage has me grinning ear to ear! Thise pictures speak volumes about how much you love it! And you are smart enough to hop in when you’re tired…BRILLIANT!!
I just love everything about this blog of yours today! And the photos and videos make it extra special!
Tha ks for sharing the fun! BTW Manni, you are a very loved and very spoiled boy!! But you know that!
Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!
PS…Be gentle with that Piggy!!!!!!
Thank you Sally!!
Good times! preciousssssss times!!!
(No mercy for the piggy 🐷 though 😊😊)
I do believe they bought the Royal Carriage for this Royal Highness!🐶
Big sssssloppy kisses
His Royal Highness, Manni the First
Manni’s story is inspiring! Thank you for sharing the videos and priceless pics. Manni gives me hope that Boone can beat this, too.
Jeanette & Boone
Thank you Jeanette! But Boone is an inspiration all by himself, too! 🙂 I am not sure we beat anything but, of course, to have had this amount of time together is awesome (although even this is too short so I’ll just set my sights on the next 14 months… 🙂 )
That’s wonderful news!! We also ignore all those statistics and comments about health that are negative. And just keep proving them wrong! High five tripawd buddy! Cheers to awesome health reports!